No Cross! No Victory!

No cross, no victory! The cross was an instrument of terror and horror in the ancient cultures and civilisation around the Mediterranean. Subsequently, it came to be known as a symbol of the Roman might against its colonies and enemies. The crucifixion was the most ex-cruciating pain possible inflicted as a capital punishment on criminals,Continue reading “No Cross! No Victory!”


IntroductionSyncretism is popularly attributed to the historical unity of the Cretans against an external threat or danger. Yet the evolution of its usage in English has transformed into a negative fusion and intermarriage of two or more (often opposing) views in the face of a perceived danger of identity destruction. Thus, in its modern usageContinue reading “SYNCRETISM: CHRISTIANITY AND SACRIFICE IN AFRICAN NEO-PAGANISM”


The rise of the ‘woke’ culture or the ‘do-not-judge’ mentality or political correctness, prevalent in the contemporary society, is a heightened realisation of the principles of subjectivism, individualism and relativism, first initiated by the by the Age of Enlightenment and currently amplified by the postmodernism, both of which have one singular intention, that is toContinue reading “THE CHURCH IS THE GUARDIAN OF MORAL CONSCIENCE”


Chimamanda’s Zikora came at a time when the Nigeria youths needed some fruitful break from the noise of the internet filled with dashed hopes and harsh comments in retaliation. It was a necessary diversion to reflect on something different, something important in our culture we take for granted, some other human sorrows we fail toContinue reading “ZIKORA AND THE MALE INSENSITIVITY”


There is a collective Force rising up among us now;An Energy of a reborn Consciousness. She is a natural mystique.She is going around every corner of the nation and beyond : Opening our sleeping eyes to see the truth.Opening our waxed ears to hear the mournful cries.Opening our gagged mouths to speak for our freedom.FreeingContinue reading “ENDSARS: THE HOPE OF A DECAYED NATION”

Dairy On Communion To The Sick

6 August, 2020So, I stared down at the golden pyx balanced on the bleached-white linen, the corporal, partly avoiding the gazes of the late risers, partly watching my steps on the dusty bumpy untarred pedestrian side of the road, then I saw the clearly capitalised inscription, SHIP (without the letter ‘P’), which reminded me ofContinue reading “Dairy On Communion To The Sick”

Threats to our Traditional Musical Culture (1)

Globalization, that is, the philosophy or movement that the world is but a little village, a little society with one ethical standard that realizes the greatest highest possible potential of humanity while keeping in view, the ultimate good of man in the pursuit of these potentials. The major troubling issue with this movement lies inContinue reading “Threats to our Traditional Musical Culture (1)”


The month of May is traditionally a month dedicated to the veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary; the history of which is suspiciously a sudden realization of the homophonous relationship, or a saintly figure’s prayerful pun play – perhaps, perhaps not. The month of May comes with a lot of convergence with several cultural andContinue reading “THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN”

Lockdown Brutality on the Village Square

There are many indications that sometimes compel one to believe that history is indeed circular or helical, with the same circle of events repeating themselves but with different actors and settings. The past weeks and months have see the world torn apart by the plague of the Covid-19, which according to some historians or pseudo-historians,Continue reading “Lockdown Brutality on the Village Square”

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